letters from a healing jouney

letters from a healing jouney

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

make a joyful noise

Every moment of every day you are carrying around, even walking within, a musical instrument.  Your whole body - from your toes through your pelvis and abdomen, then up through your throat and the top of your head - is a singing, breathing machine.  

Feel it: everyone who can speak is singing.  The noise we are making with our mouths is the product of all the cells in our bodies joining together to make a sound.

That procedure called singing heals us too.  Whether we sing for joy or sadness, the sounds and vibrations move through our bodies to express what's really going on for us, and in turn shake and rock the painful or stuck parts.

A few nights ago I was singing with some friends and I felt so tight in my neck.  I couldn't think of how to help it let go of the clench.  Another singer shared some tools she has learned along the way: let the sound come from your lower body and the throat can just allow the noise to pass through, and most importantly: sing until it feels good.  Use the singing itself to make singing feel better.

After practice I went into the garden and just hummed and groaned and sang and allowed my music-making body to relax into whatever sounds it wanted to make.  After some good solid time with that, I heaved a sigh and knew that it was time to get up: what good work there was to be done was done.

I felt relieved.  My throat more relaxed.  Just as importantly: I felt like I had expressed whatever it was that needed to be expressed and I didn't need to hold it back through tight neck muscles any more.

I still have work to do: my neck, jaw, and upper shoulders is the area of my body asking for the most care and attention right now, and that healing session just scratched the surface of letting go.  Often, though, scratching the surface is the hardest part, and after that it can all pour out.

It feels good to know I have that singing tool in my toolbox for health.

Now you: sing or hum (especially hum!) or chant "om" whenever it feels comfortable to you.  Then see if you don't feel better.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

what do you want?

How do you want your body to feel, what do you want your life to be like?  I'm not asking what you don't want: "I want such and such a pain to go away" or "I want such and such a person to stop being so selfish", but what you do actually want to see happening in you and around you.

What does feeling good feel like?  What does a good relationship feel like?  How about a life-affirming diet or a joyful workout routine?  

What exactly would that be?

Feel it.  Imagine it all day long.  Act as if you already have it.  Then when it does, we'll know a good thing when it comes along, we'll be ready for it, and we can integrate it into our lives.

It can be slow if we want to, but let's go get what we want.